News from the Source

Attention Race fans and Drivers

Attention Race fans and Drivers

Last year Wythe Raceway switched to a new scoring system and updated our website. It is a very impressive system that provides all of our racing information in one spot. It is easy to use and it is free, it does have some upgradeable options. The new software is called "My Race Pass"
Included Features: Event Listings, Entry Lists, Lineups, Results & Basic Points Standings
Please go to your App store on your mobile device and download "My Race Pass"
app. and Create your account

Very Important: Search for your favorite track and MAKE sure to highlight the little star that makes the track a "Favorite"
By making Wythe Raceway a favorite you will receive notifications like 'Rained Out" and important updates.

WE DONT USE 'RAINED OUT ALERTS" anymore, they started charging 8 cents per text and that added up quick.
My Race Pass is free but for added options it is very inexpensive, starting at $7.99 a year.


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