Driver Profile

Quick Info

HometownBrandon, SD
Racing Since2021


360 Sprints - Winged
305 Sprints - Winged
IMCA RaceSaver Sprint Car

Driver Bio

Logan Domagala

About Logan

Logan Domagala had a late start in his racing career due to having success playing hockey at a high level for 18 years. Starting at only 3 in Luverne, MN, hockey took him all over the country, playing in cities for teams such as Milwaukee WI, Green Bay WI, Butte MT, and Fresno CA. Once Junior hockey was over for Logan, instead of playing college hockey, he decided to come home work for the family business and start racing.


Hockey, fishing, golf, snowmobiling, doing wheelies on anything.


North Star Heavy Duty, Everest Restoration
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