
Past Years Sprint Car Racing - Shayle Bade Racing

Shayle Bade 2013 Racing Season Highlight

Thank you everyone who has made out 2013 season so great!!!

Shayle Bade First Female to win an A Feature in the Sprint Car Division at Eagle Raceway

Shayle Bade winning at her home track at Eagle Raceway Worlds Fastest 1/3 mile. Bade was the first female to win a A-main in a Sprint Division at Eagle. 8-23-14 Shayle has been in a car since she was 8 years old and pursuing a HUGE dream to make it to NASCAR.

Shayle Bade's News Broadcast 7/31/14

Shayle Bade is pursuing her dreams on her way to NASCAR. She has been racing for 14 years, this is her second season in a sprint car. A local News station came out to tell her story.

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